The Wildness Within: Remembering David Brower

The Wildness Within: Remembering David Brower
Available as an e-book only.
ISBN: 9781597141970.

By Kenneth Brower

The twentieth-century environmental movement owes much to a single man: David Brower. Countless natural wonders would have been lost if not for his efforts and the tremendous energy put forth by organizations he directed and/or founded (including the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, and the Earth Island Institute). A tireless defender of wild areas, Brower worked to protect iconic places, including the Grand Canyon and the California redwood forests, and his work and passion helped define modern environmentalism.

For the hundredth anniversary of David Brower’s birth, his son Kenneth Brower, an acclaimed nature writer, has brought together the testimonies of nineteen environmental leaders whose lives and careers were transformed by David Brower; the result is a book in which a repertory company of path-forgers reveal their deepest values and most moving experiences. Reading like an adventure novel told by the intrepid folks who rode alongside Brower, The Wildness Within  presents illuminating anecdotes about a multifaceted man who changed the world, serving as a guide to young people and a bane to bureaucrats and others more cautious in their approach to the crises at hand.

Contributors include:

  • Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb
  • Dave Foreman, founder of Earth First!
  • Harold Gilliam, former San Francisco Chronicle environmental columnist
  • Paul Hawken, founder of Smith and Hawken, and coauthor of Natural Capitalism
  • Randall Hayes, founder of The Rainforest Action Network
  • Huey Johnson, pioneer environmentalist and founder of the Trust for Public Land
  • Amory Lovins, author of Reinventing Fire
  • Nancy Skinner, coauthor of 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth

In partnership with the Earth Island Institute and Brower’s family and friends, Heyday is proud to cosponsor the year-long David Brower Centennial, beginning May 17, 2012. The celebration will include the launch of The Wildness Within along with a major conference symposium, a lecture series featuring legendary environmental figures, and an art exhbit on “the art of advocacy,” which will highlight Brower’s pioneering role in using large-format color photography books as a form of activism.


''David Brower was one of the pioneers of the environmental movement, and this collection of 19 interviews--introduced and transcribed by his oldest son, nature writer Kenneth Brower (The Starship and the Canoe)--is a monumental exercise in remembrance by some of the world's conservation luminaries...In composite, it certainly shows the breadth of Brower's influence. Says Paul Hawken, 'No single person created more ways and means for people to become active and effective with respect to the environment than David Brower. That is sure.'' Publishers Weekly
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About the Author

Kenneth Brower

Kenneth Brower

Kenneth David Brower is the oldest son of the pioneering environmentalist David Brower. His first memories are of the Sierra Nevada and the wild country of the American West. His father drafted him into service as an editor at nineteen, and under that leadership he wrote or edited fourteen volumes in the Exhibit-Format Series of photography books produced by the Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth. In his mid-twenties he departed his father’s shop to become a freelance writer, and his work has appeared in The AtlanticAudubonNational GeographicCanadian GeographicThe Paris ReviewReader’s Digest, SmithsonianSierraIslands, and numerous other magazines. He is the author of the books The Starship and the Canoe, Wake of the WhaleA Song for Satawal, Realms of the SeaThe Winemaker’s MarshFreeing Keiko, and many more. He lives in Berkeley, California.

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