Aaron Haiman presents his new book published by Heyday, Birds of the California Delta, at Buteo Books in San Rafael.
2240 4th Street, Suite A, San Rafael, CA.
Aaron N. K. Haiman has been a student of nature his entire life. He spent countless hours birding across California and has lived and birded in the California Delta for over a decade. Aaron volunteered from a young age with numerous bird research organizations before attending the University of California, Berkeley (BS in environmental science), rotating through several bird-focused internships, attending the University of California, Davis (MS in avian science and a second MS in animal behavior), working for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy, and now as a Senior Environmental Scientist at the Wildlife Conservation Board.
Aaron leads bird walks for a variety of organizations, mentors high school students on ecology and sustainability, leads a youth bird-a-thon team for Point Blue Conservation Science, gives presentations on birds and habitat restoration, has written for multiple science websites, and creates content for his own blog, social media platforms, and YouTube channel all under the “A Birding Naturalist” handle.
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