Copperfield’s Books welcomes Jack Gedney to Petaluma in celebration of his new book The Private Lives of Public Birds.
A dedicated birdwatcher and teacher, Gedney finds wonder not only in the speed and glistening beauty of the Anna’s hummingbird, but also in her nest building. Masterfully linking an abundance of poetic references with up-to-date biological science, Gedney shares his devotion to everyday Western birds in fifteen essays. Each essay illuminates the life of a single species and its relationship to humans, and how these species can help us understand birds in general.
The discussion will be followed by a Q&A and a book signing. This is a free event.
Register HereJack Gedneyis also the author of The Private Lives of Public Birds: Learning to Listen to the Birds Where We Live and a compact field guide to the trees of the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 2018, he has written a column on local birds, "On the Wing," for the Marin Independent Journal. Jack currently co-owns a wild bird feeding and nature shop in Novato, California.