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Legacy & Memory: Oral History Writing Workshop

May 22, 2023 | 1:00 pm

Join Kim Bancroft, author of Writing Themselves into History, virtually at the Oakmont Genealogy Club as she presents her work on collecting stories through oral histories. As some precedent, Kim had ancestors who collected the life stories of early pioneers, and she began collecting family stories in her twenties.

For this meeting, Kim will share techniques she has developed that insure good quality interviews, including various approaches to questioning a storyteller. She’ll also discuss creating transcripts and even books from the interviews gathered. Listening to and saving stories are Kim’s passions, storytelling being the oldest form of entertainment on earth.

Writing Themselves into History offers a rich immersion in nineteenth-century California, detailing Emily’s and Matilda’s experiences with public life, motherhood, and business against the backdrop of San Francisco’s high society and the state’s growth amidst the tumult of the American Civil War. The book also highlights Matilda’s significant involvement in Hubert Howe’s trailblazing research on the history of the American West—including her work collecting oral histories from women members of the LDS Church—and her evocative descriptions of travels throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond. 

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About the Speaker

Kim Bancroft

Kim Bancroft

Longtime teacher turned editor and writer, Kim Bancroft earned a B.A. in English from Stanford, an M.A. in English and a teaching credential from San Francisco State University, and a doctorate in education from UC Berkeley. She has taught at high schools and community colleges in the Bay Area, at the Universidad de Guanajuato in Mexico, and at Sacramento State. In 2014 Kim edited H.H.B.'s 1890 autobiography, Literary Industries, published by Heyday Books. She also wrote a biography of the founder of Heyday Books, called The Heyday of Malcolm Margolin: The Damn Good Times of a Fiercely Independent Publisher. Of many other memoirs that Kim has recently helped create, she has edited two of Native friends in the Willits area where she now lives in a cabin in the woods. Kim is also seeking to publish a book she wrote with a former classmate, David Waddell, called Same School, Different Class: A Dual Memoir of School Integration.


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