Tancredi & Morgan welcomes acclaimed author Obi Kaufmann, celebrating the release of the third and final installment in his California Lands Trilogy, The Deserts of California. Obi’s books will be available for purchase in the shop or you are welcome to bring your own copies.
7174 Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel, CA
Obi Kaufmann is the author of The California Field Atlas (2017, #1 San Francisco Chronicle Best Seller), The State of Water (2019), The Forests of California (2020), and The Coasts of California (2022), all published by Heyday. When he is not backpacking, you can find the painter-poet at home in the East Bay, posting trail paintings at his handle @coyotethunder on Instagram. His speaking tour dates are available at californiafieldatlas.com, and his essays are posted at coyoteandthunder.com.
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