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Walk with Obi and Wade

September 30, 2021 | 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

On September 30, 2021, join naturalist, artist, and bestselling author Obi Kauffman and Wade Crowfoot, California’s Secretary of Natural Resources, as they take a revitalized perspective on environmentalism and the future of California. On a camping trip in the Sierra Buttes, the pair will explore California’s nature and engage in deep conversation on urgent topics, including wildfires, water shortage, climate change, and an action plan to be better stewards of the Golden State’s biodiversity.

When a naturalist with a breathtaking artistic vision and a political pragmatist with 19,000 employees and a four billion dollar budget come together to solve pressing issues of California’s lands, where do they begin?

Live Q&A with attendees following the event.

FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T MAKE THE LIVE EVENT: If you can’t make the live program, you can still join Obi and Wade on their walk – but you need to register now! 

Register Here

About the Speaker

Obi Kaufmann

Obi Kaufmann

Obi Kaufmann is the author of The California Field Atlas (2017, #1 San Francisco Chronicle Best Seller), The State of Water: Understanding California’s Most Precious Natural Resource (2019), and The Forests of California: A California Field Atlas (2020)The Coasts of California (2022), and The Deserts of California (2023) all published by Heyday. When he is not backpacking, you can find the painter-poet at home in the East Bay, posting trail paintings at his handle @coyotethunder on Instagram. His speaking tour dates are available at californiafieldatlas.com, and his essays are posted at coyoteandthunder.com.


P.O. Box 9145Berkeley, CA 94709(510) 549-3564

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