William Selby, author of The California Sky Watcher (published by Heyday) delivers a talk, “Weather, Climate, and California Native Plants” at the Theodore Payne Foundation in Los Angeles.
In-person event. 10459 Tuxford Street, Los Angeles, CA. This class will be held both indoors and outdoors. We strongly encourage comfortable walking shoes and warm layers. Copies of his book will be available for purchase.
Learn how to read the clouds and the colorful dramas playing out in our sky and to sense and anticipate daily and seasonal changes in the weather that impact our plants and our lives. Learn what plants tell us about our weather and climate and vice versa. Bring your questions to this “everything you’ve always wanted to know about our weather and climate” event. Followed by a book signing.
William Selby teaches an assortment of earth science courses (including weather and climate) as professor at Santa Monica College and Visiting Professor at the UCs. Selby has led hundreds of field classes throughout the state and beyond. He has helped establish environmental programs at SMC, served as consultant for films (such as Dry Times) and the community, and produced field guide booklets. His enduring 550-page book, Rediscovering the Golden State: California Geography, is in its 4th edition. He carries decades of personal and professional weather observations and climate research experiences from numerous sources (including the National Weather Service) into his latest Heyday book project.
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