Obi Kaufmann in conversation with Ruth Nolan at the Twentynine Palms Book Festival at the Old Schoolhouse Museum, the closing event of the ‘Never Underestimate the Desert’ series.
In-person event. 6760 National Park Dr, Twentynine Palms, CA. Register at the link below to attend any event at the festival.
This session will emphasize the importance of preserving the Mojave Desert, a priority shared by the festival, its attendees, and its featured writers. Kaufmann and Nolan will explore the devastating impact of wildfires on California and the Mojave Desert, reading from their works “Cima Dome, East Mojave National Preserve,” and The State of Fire: Why California Burns (Kaufmann’s new book published by Heyday). They’ll share their perspectives on the historical, ecological, and human factors contributing to these disasters, as well as their hopes for the future.
Ruth Nolan is a professor, author, and former wildland firefighter. Her work focuses on desert ecosystems and the impact of wildfires, especially in the Mojave. Her recent publications include the essay “Cima Dome, East Mojave National Preserve,” and poetry from After the Dome Fire.
Obi Kaufmann is a writer and illustrator with a deep connection to California’s natural landscapes. His work blends art and ecological science, with a focus on the state’s deserts and forests. His latest book published by Heyday, The State of Fire: Why California Burns, examines fire’s role in shaping California’s environment.
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